Dorgan's Newest Pork Barrel: Uneconomic Economics Masquerading as Science - Recherché a la Temps Crapper

After attempting (unsuccessfully) to disguise farm subsidies as a national security matter, and after being caught and publicly admonished by Mark Dayton (D) for attempting (again unsuccessfully) to finagel millions from the government for an outlet to stream poisoned water from Devils Lake into Canada and Minnesota, Dorgan has been using his seat on the Senate Appropriations Committee to bring federal research dollars to the North Dakota region. He claims that a corridor from Fargo to Winnipeg will be the next Silicon valley. Dorgan hopes to secure $100 million and to fund Canadian research as well.

Perhaps the most appropriate comment on this "research" is that researchers at Twyford Bathrooms have recently developed a "smart toilet" with a chip created in Silicon Valley, whose V.I.P. (Versatile Interactive Pan) can examine human waste for both dietary content and potential health problems. Toilets haven't changed much since commonly manufactured in England by Thomas Crapper and Son 120 years ago.

Twyford spokesman Terry Wooliscroft has stated "We want to change all that and see what a toilet can do if you introduce modern technology to it."

[with apologies to Marcel Proust]

For more on Senator Dorgan please see