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      The Strange Road of Promotion in N.D.

It is a technique that has been observed in corrupt organizations when people don't want to be criticized. They promote to supervisory and overseer positions those persons who could not normally hold those positions without patronage. These appointed people cannot then afford to bite the hand that feeds them if they want to stay in office. So the corrupt people are able to do as they please, thereby evading any kind of supervision.

Isaak is the ideal Chancellor as he does not understand much. Any quack can get away with anything under him and he will never call anyone below him for an impropriety. That is why it is set up that way.

Kupchella is a fish out of water. He is a nice guy. They run circles around him and they run the show. This is an entrenched network of bureaucrats. This inside club picks their own kind to run the organization for their own benefit, shortchanging and defrauding the public, the faculty, the employees, and the students. This is probably why they held on to Ettling.

Other examples of questionable appointees in high paid supervisorial positions:

Bob Boyd-Can any school continue to carry so much dead weight?

Lillian Elsinga-Dean of Students-Masters of Arts in German-

Gerry Bulisco-Associate Dean of Students-Ex-ROTC Officer

Judy Demers-A failed nurse whose personality is totally antithetical to her profession of caring for people, is appointed to the position of Associate Dean of the Medical School? According to Judy, she was the office secretary and just applied for the position when it came open never actually believing she would get it.

We have received reports that there is nepotism going on at the University of North Dakota Medical School. It has been reported to us that 


 1) The son of a late medical school's dean was admitted to the graduate study at the medical school. He  never finished and left , 2) The chairman of physical therapy, apparently is a physiologist, supervises his own wife working in the same dept. at the medical school, and 3) a daughter of the former Executive Dean Dr. Norris of medical school was working there too in summer time and the job was not advertised , 4) the wife of a pharmacology faculty got a job in medical school to work with her husband Dr. Buckley in his research laboratory and again the job was filled without advertisement, she worked only at the hours she liked , 


1) A sociologist becomes a neurologist at the medical school to work with his wife . Richard Wilsnak is listed as a professor of Sociology in the  UND catalog 1988 and then became a Professor of neuroscience at the fabulous medical school as shown in 1990 catalog to present . He never received a medical degree . His wife Sharon is also a Professor of Neuroscience with a similar background. 2) the famous Department of Pediatrics in the Medical School at Grand Forks deserves more attention for its 'absentee' director! Under the claim of traveling , while being at home , he does not apparently teach much and when he does appear on the campus it becomes confusing when you ask questions. He also supervised his wife as a nurse in the same unit and she was hardly arround until she left! 3) Professor M. Blake of the medical school became a medical student and continued to be paid by the medical school and remained during that time on the faculty as well . He was even promoted in rank and became tenured before he became a student . Interestingly, he taught a subject for which he too had no former education.


The highest paid adminstrative secretary in the medical school LaVone Johnson moved from the Department of Surgery to this high paid job without a single qualification other than the services she forced upon the younger secretaries in the surgery department to perform for their Chairman Dr. James, who became the Dean of the Medical School!!! Once again the job was never advertised! 

NOTE: We appeal to our public for more names. Please email us or put it on the discussion page.-The Editing Board.