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The following article was posted on our ever-popular Discussion Page. We print it verbatim

Statement of Facts and Our Responses

Gaya Marasinghe, principal investigator, and John Wagner, a self-acclaimed racist whom admits in Court that he tells racist jokes and makes open racist remarks about his chair, and co-principal investigator (both physics) received a National Science Foundation grant to purchase a variable temperature automated x-ray diffractometer.

Their claim is that "UND's only modern x-ray diffractometer that provides hands-on, affordable access to its researchers, the proposed instrument is expected to facilitate the research activities of at least three academic departments and two colleges at UND."

"because UND has one of the largest Native American student populations in the nation, the instrument will present an opportunity for UND students belonging to an under-represented ethnic group to experience one of the most versatile and widely used experimental techniques in materials science."


To quote the UND Physics Department on its information page

"Presently, the Physics Department consists of 9 regular faculty and 5 adjunct, emeritus, or non-regular faculty members. The enrollment for Winter 2001 semeser is 15 undergraduate students and around 9 full-time masters and doctoral students"

Finally, and most disgusting,

Further, UND has been reprimanded by the Office of Civil Rights in Kansas.for discriminating against Indians. Whether they are abusing poor Milford by keeping him down toward their own benefit, or whether Milford is simply reaping kickbacks from a staff whom he barely sees is for you to judge.